Faculty Member
Dr. Joseph Odusanya PHD

Joseph has almost 30 years experience in Academics, Business solutions consulting and Management practice. This experience was acquired with working successfully in Asia and about 22 African countries and in several industries like Banking and Finance, FMCG, Aviation, and Hospitality.
He joined Hay Group South Africa as Regional Manager-West Africa in 2006 and later became the General Manager-Africa in 2008 for 2 years and from there , he was appointed the Divisional Head, Human Capital Management Department at Keystone Bank Ltd in 2011. He is currently the MD/CEO of Biocrops Biotechnology Limited a position he has occupied since 2013, where he is responsible for formulating and implementing the overall strategy, manage the marketing, branding, people, finance, quality, and investment functions.
Joseph completed his Masters at University of Ibadan in 1988 and pursed and obtained a PHD from the University Science Malaysia in 2001. he was a senior lecturer at HELP University C0llege, Kuala Lumpur for 2 years before joining the consulting world as the Senior Regional Consultant for DDI Asia Pacific Ltd in 2004.
He is always seeking exciting managerial opportunities in organisations that stretch the frontiers of possibility and his specialties include but not limited to; General management, Union Negotiation, Talent management, Reward and compensation management, HR centre of excellent leadership-Talent, succession, Learning, Expatriation, On boarding, Recruitment, Performance management, Job Evaluation, Career and manpower planning .
Joseph is a certified Hay Job Evaluation Specialist. He is a personable and very intelligent professional with deep knowledge in organisational development both in concept and implementation.
Our Distinguished Faculty

Senior Associate / Faculty

Alina Buteica
Senior Faculty


Dr. Joseph Odusanya PHD
Senior Faculty

Senior Associate / Faculty

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